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We are a community for software professionals to share the projects they are working on, for feedback, collaboration and networking.

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Microsoft for Startups

The perfect place to build in Public!

Learn how skillShack(⚡️); can help you build your portfolio and projects in public with an audience and potential users.
About skillShack(⚡️);

Got a YouTube Channel? Got a Blog?

Learn how skillShack(⚡️); can help you find the right audience for the content you produce!
About skillShack(⚡️);

Not just about the work, but also the recognition 🏅

About skillShack(⚡️);

Get Certified!

With our platform, you can generate certificates for your projects, that you can include in your portfolio.
These certificates make sure to capture all the kindness, and appreciation you've recieved!

Grow a professional network that scales up to the moon 🚀🌕!

About skillShack(⚡️);
Connect, collaborate, and build an audience that can vouch for your skills and expertise.
Everything you do on skillShack(⚡); will be pushed to your audience and you will have an audience that can help you grow.

Generate a Resume that perfectly fits your style 📄

About skillShack(⚡️);
Get started with your Resume today.

And more!


Project Ideas
Get inspiration for your next project.


Showcase Projects
Share what you are working on and get quality feedback.


Weekly challenges to test your coding skills.


Blogs, Videos, Podcasts
Share ideas, concepts and your learnings.

Curated Feed
Stay upto date with the newest technologies and trends.


Ask doubts, answers doubts, get noticed, brag!


College/School Networking
Explore skillShack(⚡); for students, which connects you with your peers for the perfect learning experience.


Get certificates for your activity on skillShack(⚡);

"This is the kind of LinkedIn I wanted!"

Here's what our users have to say...
I like the idea of SkillShack, I think that creating a space for community encouragement of pet projects is a wonderful idea.
Joel Giovinazzo
Joel Giovinazzo@Givo29
I think skillShack is a great application that has been implemented very well! The sign-up process was easy and painless, and creating a post is straightforward.

With consistent work on this project, I can definitely see the community growing in the future, and I very much look forward to watching it grow!
Sarthak Verma
Sarthak Verma@0xSarthak
I looked into @skillShack_dev and tbh it looks very cool.

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skillShack(⚡); is a community for software professionals looking to share the projects they are working on and get feedback. From side projects to startups!

Built with ❤️ by Sushrit Pasupuleti

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