Threads are the main way to interact with people on skillShack(⚡️). Threads can be used to share content that includes but is not limited to:
While creating a thread you can choose from 4 categories:
QA: For asking questions.
BLOG: For sharing your blogs.
VID: For sharing links to videos created by you or being shared by you. (Be sure to provide proper credits when sharing content not belonging to you)
POD: For sharing podcasts created by you or being shared by you. (Be sure to provide proper credits when sharing content not belonging to you)
You can start a thread by going here
Any Thread can be linked to an existing Project of yours using this. You can do so by going here.
Linked Threads will appear in a seperate tab in a Project.
skillShack(⚡); is a community for software professionals looking to share the projects they are working on and get feedback. From side projects to startups!
Built with ❤️ by Sushrit Pasupuleti
Designed by Braggi Solutions © Braggi Solutions 2021 All right reserved