Tags are used across skillShack(⚡);
to categorize content. (As seen below)
Tags can be used to filter content, and to help users find content they are looking for. For example, if you are looking for a specific skill, you can use the tag to filter out all the posts that do not have that skill or have that skill.
Each tag has a dedicated page that lists all the content related to it.
Tags can be followed
by a user so that content related to it can be recommended to the user from time to time.
Following tags will allow our recommendation engine to suggest related content to you.
skillShack(⚡); is a community for software professionals looking to share the projects they are working on and get feedback. From side projects to startups!
Built with ❤️ by Sushrit Pasupuleti
Designed by Braggi Solutions © Braggi Solutions 2021 All right reserved