22 | Startup Founder | Fullstack Unicorn | Coder | Blogger | Speaker | Sketcher... err 🤔 and more 🙃. Building skillShack(⚡️);
Dec 2021 to Present
I build and run the whole business
Jun 2014 to Jan 2021
Worked on various projects, for numerous clients and self.
8 years ago
This was the first project that I built, which was out of my domain, the platform "MeeVote", is an Election Management System, built for those contesting in elections. MeeVote aims to help leaders better manage their party workers to ensure faster reach and acquisition of voters. Also since it's me, under the hood there's some fancy AI magic happening too!
8 years ago
During the lockdown, marketing is difficult, and getting work done remotely has been equally difficult, so I started working on a new project. Braggi's Shopping Slots platform took 2 weeks to build, it allows it's users to book a slot to shop at their local grocery store, the platform handles queues and allows shop owners to decide how many people they can accomodate on an hourly basis at their store, while ensuring that social distancing is followed. This was a fun project, because I deployed it much more quickly than anything before, while constantly working with the changing situations due to the pandemic, it's helped me greatly with my ability to understand the market as a whole and it's needs during times like these.
4 years ago
skillShack(⚡); is a community for software professionals looking to share the projects they are working on and get feedback. From side projects to startups! It is also a part of Microsoft for Startups
Aug 2017 to Mar 2021
Computer Science with a GPA of 6.9
Apr 2015 to Mar 2017
MPC with a GPA of 6.0
Mar 2013 to Mar 2015
CBSE with a GPA of 8.2
9 years ago
In High School, along with a classmate, I worked on a project for the CBSE National Science Fair, which took us to the Nationals in Delhi, in 2016 . We built a smart meter that would send usage/consumption metrics to your smartphone each day.